The V8 Vantage with the 6.3L engine (instead of the standard 5.3L) and a special exhaust. Push the volume before you start the video. [hana-flv-player video=”/wp-content/videos/Aston Martin V8 Vantage 6.3.flv” width=”480″ height=”320″ description=”Aston Martin Vantage 6.3L” player=”6″ autoload=”true” autoplay=”false” loop=”false” autorewind=”true” clickurl=”” clicktarget=”_blank” /]
Les archives pour septembre, 2010
La V8 Vantage en 6.3L (au lieu du 5.3L normal) Montez le son avant de lancer la vidéo !
Il reste à changer l’assurance et trouver quelqu’un qui puisse me faire d’anciennes plaques et hop, c’est parti !
I have got my french papers (french V5) today. Now it’s time to update the insurrance and to get the new numberplates.
Ca y est, le papier de la FFVE est enfin arrivé ! Lundi matin : direction la préfecture pour la carte grise définitive 🙂 Je vais enfin pouvoir être utilisée normalement.
But I hope I have a solution now. Hopefully I will be streetable before at the end of the month.
J’espère avoir enfin trouvé une solution. Peut-être que d’ici la fin du mois ce sera réglé 🙂
I got the document from the FFVE (French Federation for Historic cars). So, on Monday, I will got my official “French V5″ and now, the real story will start
I added a page in the left menu with the trips done year by year. You will find the first photos from the Hambach trip.
An AMOC member participates to a journey from Beijing to Paris in an Aston Martin DB5. Departure September 10 in Beijing.. I’ve decided that during this trip I would put in place a way to follow him. So you can see below its real-time GPS location! To get more detailled information : – The Journey […]